Original design high quality mesh office chair

Model Number: LE-706


What do we do every day? We sit. We sit in the office and at home. Staring at our computer screens moving nothing but our fingers. We get stiff and tired. Because sitting is bad for you. Embody is good for you. An agile chair that keeps your body and brain limber all day. Designed specifically for people who work for hours at computers, Embody is the first work chair that benefits both mind and body.

The story began in the design studio of Jeff Weber and the late Bill Stumpf. They saw an unsolved problem: the lack of physical harmony between us and our computers. They came up with a radical idea: What if a chair could do more than just minimize the negative effects of sitting? Could they design a chair that actually had positive effects on the body? "You can't design without empathy," said Weber, who also designed our Caper chair. "Since design has become more technology based, we've had to sit in our chairs in front of computers for longer periods, just like everyone else. We identify with the problems people have as a result of sitting."
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